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Executive NewPlacement

Professional and tailored executive support in personal new orientation

Was your executive job an “all-in” decision over several years? Did you invest a lot of effort, energy and personal engagement in your current and past executive jobs? But now, out of the blue, everything has come to a sudden end. No discussion. Period.
Questions arise. Where do I stand? When was my last education? How do I apply in the right way? When will I find a new job?

Executives affected by a lay-off undergo a very stressful time: What am I (still) worth? What shall I do with all the free time? But not only they are affected. Also those closest need to adapt to the new situation. It is our goal to offer professional and tailored support and care for the individual.
We follow the following proven steps within our Executive NewPlacement:

  1. Analyze your current personal situation, supported by an MBTI® or Insights MDI® preference analysis
  2. Analyze labor market and industries (Job portals etc.)
  3. Create your resume and application form
  4. Train self-marketing
  5. Activate personal and business network
  6. Train application interview with video
  7. Process received feedback

Every personal change step is supported by a psycho-dynamic approach which addresses topics such as vulnerability, shame, guilt and well as personal values, health and social environment.