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Talent Coaching

Individual support for your Top Talents

Talent Coaching is one of the most untapped development measures in companies. The target is to provide special attention to talents who have been showing strong performance and potential to grow. A potential loss of Top Talents and the associated costs are very high. Talent Coaching is one potential measure for retention, expresses appreciation and provides a strong company signal to the talent: we want to further build on you!

Most of the time, talents are young, want to move forward and change the world. They have celebrated successes in the past (education, projects) and some see themselves as the next CEO! They are in the midst of their personality and know-how development. On the one hand they want to take over additional leadership and responsibility; on the other hand this comes together with family and domestic issues, and often also other private challenges. This can lead to intransparent or hidden tensions, fears of not being ready to handle all at the same time.

Reasons enough to take professionally care of these special talents, and to support them internally and externally over a certain period of time.