High Performance Team
From the Board down to a single team within the organization Starting position: The team has been working together for some time and is functioning quite well. You believe – and rightly so – that more can be achieved together, that a next level of team performance must be achieved to successfully tackle the many challenges ahead.
Target: Development of a common vision, definition of joint ambition, discussion about individual commitment, and transparency in communication, responsibility and processes. Overall: achieving a positive team dynamic which is reflected in measurable performance improvements.
We tackle the topic of building a high performing team along the following five proven levels:
- Purpose and target definition: what do we want to achieve together? How do we want to reach it?
- Best People: do we have the right people (within the team) in order to reach the challenging target?
- Roles: are the roles within the team transparent and clear?
- Processes: are processes established so that success can be reached (efficiency,effectiveness)?
- Task-level: Are the tasks ahead clearly defined and prioritized?