Why do clients choose Sondheimer Consulting? What differentiates us from the other providers in the market?
- Holistic view – we take the interdependencies into account: we contribute holistic views along the value chain, having worked in various areas, on numerous projects, and with several international companies with respective leadership responsibilities.
- Business experience – we know the challenges: we do not just talk theory. We have acquired our own business experience: from Human Resources with topics such as shared services and global IT; operations topics such as process optimization and MIS introduction; restructuring with change management, lay-offs and NewPlacements; sales strategies with client and product analysis, and potential planning.
- Leadership experience – we have led others: we have gained international leadership experience over several years. Thus, the concepts we are introducing and applying are practice proven. We know what works and what not, and how long a real cultural change can actually take. We know the skill sets of small specialist teams, of virtual teams in different time zones and larger organizational bodies.
- Implementation success – we bring it to the (implementation) point: no mere detached analysis, but a target-oriented approach supported by theory and practical experience until it is done and achieved.
- Emotional Intelligence – we live partnership: we work closely together with you. We do not know everything better than you, but we ask the right questions based on experience to produce sustainable solutions. And last but not least – we have fun!